Paradigm Shift is an elevator ride to the heights
of what is possible. Synchronize yourself with the mission for which you were placed on earth, and learn to recognize the inherent goodness and perfection in yourself, in others, and in every circumstance of your life.

Distilled into six succinct lessons, this empowering course offers a revolutionary outlook on life, culled from the wisdom of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.



Join us for Six Wednesdays
Starting February 15, 2023

6:00-7:30 p.m.

Chabad Jewish Center of {etaluma
205 Keller Street Suite #101
Petaluma, CA 94952

Instructor: Rabbi Dovid Bush

$99 (textbook included) • Couples: $180
Early Bird before February 5: $75
Join the first class free

Sponsorships Appreciated

For more information:
Call: 707.559.8585
Email: [email protected]





Parts of life you enjoy. Others, you just can't stand. Without being naive, is it possible to see only the good in everything? How can we find the positive spark in old age, work, struggle—even arrogance, evil, and death? A sophisticated understanding of reality uncovers a world in which there is only opportunity, positivity, and goodness.


The soul is not a recessive gene. With every movement of the body, its innate perfection finds expression. Discovering this for yourself will not only boost your self-esteem and improve your relationships, but will also lead you to demand more of yourself and push your limits to redefine what is possible.


We are all so alike, yet so different. Each of us was endowed with a unique set of talents and circumstances precisely because there is a specific personal life-mission for each of us to fulfill. How do you utilize this custom toolbox of fate and skill to decipher your individual purpose in this world?


Who is the ideal religionist? The dutiful follower who submits completely to the will of a higher being? Or he who integrates, internalizes, and owns his beliefs—to cultivate a personal relationship with G‑d, becoming a leader in his own right? This lesson questions the foundations of our perception of religion.


We all make mistakes. Such is life. But why was it intended to be this way? This lesson explores how failure is not an anomaly in the design of creation, but the tool through which the highest form of success is carved.


The purpose of creation is finally within reach. Despite tensions in parts of the globe, revolutionary changes are taking place in technology, in politics, and in the human spirit—many bearing markings of an impending biblical redemption. How do we awaken ourselves to this reality—to recharge for the sprint to the finish line?


Elie Wisel
Nobel Prize laureate, noted author, professor, and political activist

I know of no one who has left the Rebbe without being deeply affected, if not changed, by their encounter. Time in his presence begins running at a different pace. You feel inspired, you feel self-examined, you are made to wonder about the quest for meaning which ought to be yours. In his presence nothing is superficial, nor is it artificial. In his presence you come closer in touch with your inner center of gravity.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel Addressing the UN General Assembly

The Rebbe told me...remember that in a hall of perfect darkness, if you light one small candle, its precious light will be seen by everyone. Your mission is to light a candle for truth and for the Jewish people... that's what I've tried to do ever since, and this is what we are all asked to do.

Alan Dershowitz
Prominent lawyer, jurist, author, and political commentator

Thirty-five years ago, I had the privilege to meet with the Rebbe. It was for me one of the great honors and educational experiences of
my life.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Chief Rabbi Emeritus, United Kingdom

I was touched by one of the greatest Jewish leaders, not just of our time, but of all time....The Rebbe was my satellite navigation system, showing me where to go
and how.