Petaluma Jewish Art Calendar 

To view this year's calendar in digital format, click on the calendar below.  

Art-Calendar-Banner.pngWe are pleased to once again be printing Petaluma's highly popular Jewish Art Calendar.

Thank you for your interest in the Jewish Community Calendar. Through advertisements, sponsorships and well wishes, the Calendar provides an opportunity for one to proudly display their commitment to community and Jewish education. It also serves as a great way to advertise your products and services which will be displayed year-round.

Our calendars are mailed free to households and businesses throughout Petaluma. They educate and inspire its many recipients with beautiful photographs of Jewish art, and includes Shabbat and holiday information, as well as Yartzeits and special dates.

Please support the calendar project and the work of Chabad by placing an advertisement, sponsorship, greeting, well wishes, birthday or Yahrtzeit in our beautiful calendar.

Thank you!

Community Sponsorships - Greetings
Show your support to the entire Jewish Community by becoming a Calendar Sponsor.
$360 Family Sponsor: Sponsor Name to be listed as:
$36 New Year Greeting: Shana Tova from:
Greetings for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Yartzeits, Special Occasions

I would like to include greetings. Greetings are $18 each.
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
Business Calendar Ads
Calendar Pages (Months)
- Purchase 3 months of business card or larger and get 50% off the 3rd month. 

Please enter the number of ads you would like in the corresponding box (If no preference regarding month, please leave blank)

Banner Ad (10.5" x 2")

$500 Enter month preference:

Half Banner (5.125" x 2")

$275 Enter month preference:

Business Card (3.35" x 2")

$200 Enter month preference:

Calendar Box (1.5" x 1.5")

$100 Enter month preference:

Other Pages
Back Cover - Half (5" x 8") $1,000
Back Cover - Quarter (5" x 4") $600
Center - Full Page (10.5" x 8") $1,000
Center - Half Page (5" x 8") $600
Center - Quarter Page (5" x 4") $400
There are 3 ways you can send us your ad. Please choose one of the methods below.
I will enter the text of the ad below
Ad Text:
I will email the ad or card to [email protected]
Please call/email me to arrange a time to pick up my ad. My contact info is:


All ads will be displayed in full color!

For more information and sponsorship packages please contact:
Rabbi Dovid Bush • 707-559-8585 • [email protected]

Contact Info
First Name:*

Last Name:*

Phone:* Email:
Total: $0.00
If purchasing a discounted package, prices will be adjusted accordingly.
Please choose one of the following:
Please charge my credit card I will send in a check Please send me a bill

Card Type:
Card Number:
Security Code:
3 or 4 digits
Is the address entered in "Contact Info" your billing address? Yes No
Billing Address:
First Name:*

Last Name:*

Please mail your check to:
Chabad of Petaluma 
205 Keller St. #101, Petaluma, CA 94954 

We will send a bill to the address entered above.

Comments (optional)