In the aftermath of the Holocaust, the Jewish nation was faced with one massive question. What now?
So many gone, wind knocked out of our sails, wishing we could wake up from the nightmare, perhaps it's time to throw in the towel G-d forbid?
Devorah's grandfather was a Holocaust survivor and a partisan fighter against the Nazis. He would always say, the biggest revenge against Hitler is a beautiful Jewish family. Indeed, fast forward to now, after his passing, and there are 13 proud young Jewish boys/men who are named for him.
At a time like this, the very best response is to counter with reaffirming our identity and values. Stand tall! Be proud! We represent the ideals of Life, Love, Compassion, Kindness. Morality.
As we say in the Passover Haggadah, in every generation they rise up to destroy us, and Hashem saves us from their hands. Whether it was Pharaoh, Haman, the Romans, the Nazis, or Hamas, our answer remains the same. In the face of evil, it becomes that much more important, nee critical, to promote goodness and positivity. In response to indiscriminate acts of terror and destruction, let us come forth with indiscriminate acts of kindness and Mitzvahs.
True evil looks for a reason to do evil, and if it finds none, does evil anyway.
As Jews, we seek every reason to do goodness, and if we don't find one, we do goodness anyway.
So add your light, and together, let's banish the darkness.
- Light Shabbat Candles!
- Join in prayer tomorrow morning
- Check out Mendel's Mezuzah project below!
- Increase in learning about the values we stand for!
Petaluma Hebrew begins for kids this Sunday.
How Happiness Thinks begins for Adults on Oct 23
- Want to talk, cry, or simply be together? Let me or Devorah know.
Shabbat Shalom! May we usher in the ultimate peace, an era when there won't be war, death, or destruction, Amen!