Tonight, let’s light up the world!!!
Will 11 women join me in lighting Shabbat candles (in your own home), in honor of the 11 righteous souls who were murdered in Pittsburgh. Light is the only way to dispel darkness.
Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to take part in this special mitzvah. Blessings and instructions can be found here
Candle lighting is at 5:52 in Petaluma
- Devorah
Our matriarch Sarah's tent had 3 miracles. A cloud, representing the divine presence hovered over it. The Challah, baked on Friday, stayedfresh week to week. And the Shabbat candles would continue to burn until candle lighting time the following Friday evening.
The entire Torah portion discusses matters that occurred after Sarah's passing, e.g. the burial arrangements, finding Isaac a bride as part of his consolation, etc. And yet, the very name of the portion is "The Life of Sarah". What gives?
It was at this moment, that Abraham and Isaac decided, that it would not be the end. They would not allow for Sarah to be gone forever. Rather they would perpetuate her life, living by the values that she stood for, creating Sarah's legacy. They chose to have Sarah become post-mortem the Mother of the Jewish nation.
After our brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh were hatefully gunned down, we have the power to keep them alive. They paid the ultimate sacrifice because they valued their tradition, gathering in Synagogue, celebrating Shabbat.
Let's create their legacy, by proudly celebrating our Jewishness, lighting Shabbat candles, or choosing any Mitzvah in their memory.
Then the "Tree of Life" will continue to grow, by virtue of the beautiful "fruit" - the many Mitzvahs inspired globally. Then like Sarah before them, the title of the story will be about their Life.