
New Year's Dinner

Wednesday, 13 September, 2023 - 9:00 am


Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching! 

In just two days, we will ring in the new year with apples and honey. 

I was speaking with fellow today to wish him a Shana Tova, and he sahred with me that life has not been great this last period. He wasn't exactly in the celebrating headspace. Here is what I shared with him.

What really is the big deal about Rosh Hashanah? The clock spun around another couple of times? How is tomorrow any different that yesterday. If my life situation is is not where I want it to be, why do I expect that the trajectory will change any more than by tossing a penny into a fountain? And if I am satisfied with how things are going, then what is there to pray for?

The truth is, that Rosh Hashanah is a time when a whole new unprecedented energy is released. Much like when the world was first created 5784 years ago, Hashem took nothing and turned it into this magnificent world. The past did not dictate the future. Nothingness didn't preclude somethingness. Darkness could not prevent light. Emptiness could be replaced with fulfillment. 

So as we approach the New Year, and the world at large, or our personal circumstances, seem to forestall the very possibility and hope for a better existence. Let's remember, that this is precisely the message of Rosh Hashanah. We will not settle for the shortcoming or failures of last year. We will not accept a world that isn't illuminated by kindness and compassion. We will - with Hashem's blessings - merit a good and a sweet New Year, with everything that we need, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This year will be unprecedented good. 

Wishing you and your family a good and a sweet New Year!

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