

Friday, 5 January, 2024 - 9:00 pm


The room was silent. 

Suddenly a student perked up, “ Morah Chaya, will the Jews ever be extinct?”

I looked at her and answered, “Well, that’s up to you.”

I continued and questioned, “Where are the nations of the Persian, Greek and Roman Empire?”

“Gone.” they all answered.

We are here. We are a miracle. 

Each of us is a link in a chain going all the way up to Abraham and Isaac. 

This is where it is up to you. 

By showing up to Hebrew School, lighting Shabbat candles, putting on Tefilin, and learning Torah, you're ensuring you will carry on the Jewish torch for your family forever.

Despite the suffering of slavery, the Jews held on to Hashem’s promise of redemption. 

In this week’s Torah portion the miraculous plagues started to bring the Jews closer to freedom. 

When the Magicians could not imitate the plague of lice they proclaimed,

“Etzba Elokim Hee” It is the finger of G-d!

We are a miracle. 

And we are here today.

May we see the “finger” of Hashem, and all haters will have no choice but to proclaim:

“It is the Finger of G-D! They are a miracle.”

So to answer your question dear student:

"No. we will NEVER be extinct."

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