If there is one thing covid-19 has taught us is the meaning of essential.
Essential workers. Essential Services. Do you have your essentials? And we've had the time to reflect on what is essential to us; health, family, shelter, values. Yes, that destination wedding would be so nice, but it's the wedding part that matters more than the destination. Yes, the family vacation could have been so much fun, but it's the family that matters more than the vacation.
Yom Kippur is just that; essential. It's the essence of the day that helps us connect to the essence of our soul, and connect to Hashem's essence.
We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. The nine to five job, carpool, appointments, groceries, and the list goes on and on. But why are we doing it all? Sometimes we feel like we are running on a hamster wheel, like a train hurtling down the track forgetting to exit at the train station, we lose all sense of what and whom we are working for.
So on Yom Kippur, we strip away all of the distractions, focusing on essence. Who am I? Why am I here? Am I living up tom my G-d given potential? Can I allow my soul to shine without getting in its way?
And we pray that Hashem do the same. That he look past all of our missteps, because they are nothing more than muddy pants after a slip, or a hole in my shoe after walking where I shouldn't have. They don't change who I am. They can't change who I am. Because who I am - in my very essence - is a pure soul, an inextinguishable spark of Hashem.