A Life mercilessly snuffed out. Hearts hurting. Emotions erupting. Tempers flaring. Chaos. And the unanswered questions. Why? And how do we pick up the broken pieces and patch America back together? Hate has taken on many forms throughout history. Racism; Anti-Semitism; White Supremacy; bigotry and bias. All of these share a common thread; a sense that somehow my life is more valuable than someone else's, my blood redder, my feelings more important. We can all use a reminder from the Torah, that every single human being was created in the image of G-d, b’Tzelem Elokim. Regardless of a person’s skin color, their country of origin, their occupation or whom they associate with, even criminals. If he or she exists, that means they are an extension of G-d’s image. We all share that divine spark, that G-dly DNA that gives each and every one of us inherent and undimmable value. All of us are created by the same G-d. Created for the same purpose; to add goodness around us. It is this commonality, our humanity, nay our divinity, that unites us. Real change happens from within. It starts at home. Now is a time for each of us to reflect on the Tzelem Elokim - the Divine Spark pumping in the heart of every person walking the planet, coursing through their veins. Look into another's eyes, and see yourself, the same G-dly image. And value them. Cherish their existence. Use that essence, that spark, to stoke the flames of connection. As you feel your own breath, the Breath of Life that Hashem blew into Adam's nostrils, know that it is the very same breath in the lungs of your neighbor. And talk to your kids, to our youth, the adults of tomorrow. The Rebbe consistently promoted education as a preventative measure against society's ills. Educating a child extends beyond the books and curriculum provided by school. Education must focus on morality and ethics as much as it should on mathematics, science, and grammar. Teach a child to respect every individual and treat them as they would want to be treated. Teach a child that being kind and loving is a virtue, not something to be ashamed of. Teach a child that if someone is different than you, that is all the more reason to love them; because that emphasizes how we are all part of G-d’s image. And the benefits of a proper education extend beyond the classroom as well. When a child is raised with morals that value Life; knowing that every human being is created in G-d’s image; that we each have our own unique potential to live up to, he or she will grow up to help and uplift others, and take an active role in our mutual responsibility to make the world a better place every single day. This isn't just patching the pieces back together. This is building an indestructible foundation. We are One people. United.