I will leave most of the message to the video below "Shabbat Shalom from the Community, to the Community"!
One thing to mention is that today we begin the Hebrew month of Iyar. The Hebrew spelling forms the initials of "I am Hashem, your Healer". It's a month of healing, and boy, do we need it!
Our angels; the nurses and doctors on the front lines are His representatives. In fact, the Hebrew word for doctor is Rofei - a healer. Diagnoses are merely a way to get closer to the end goal; healing. And if there's one thing that this whole thing has taught us, it's that ultimately, we need Hashem's blessings for Life and Healing.
So send a virtual hug to a healthcare worker. They are divine messengers doing an angelic task. Together we pray for their complete success and that it indeed be a month of healing.