Rosh Hashanah. The new year. A day of judgment.
Typically, one imagines a heavenly courtroom, a somber atmosphere, a cloudy day, and we are the ones on trial. The prosecuting angels come in carrying bundles of our deficiencies and shortcoming, placing them on one side of an oversized celestial scale. An uncertain fate awaits us if we are found guilty.
Hardly a New Year's celebration...
What 's really going on is that we are working on this hand-in-hand. Much like a cashier must review inventory with the store owner to know which products were less profitable, like a businessman doing bookkeeping with his accountant to see where to invest, or a teacher marking a student's exam to identify which areas need additional focus. Like a basketball player watching replays with the sports coach, or a soldier analyzing military strategy with her general.
In each one of these cases, the goal is never to declare failure. Rather it is is to identify how to succeed.
The more dramatic the scenario, the more imperative it is to work through it, to problem solve, learn some new tricks, explore new options, battle through any challenges, and achieve ultimate success.
On Rosh Hashanah, we come before The King, the master strategist, who gave us each a mission to fulfill, to develop a plan of action for the coming year, how we can have the best year yet. While we may need to address some past issues, the goal is way too important to allow us to get stuck on a couple of missteps. And of course He wants us in the game. After all, He hand-picked us for this position, because He believes in us.
Devorah and I wish you a good and a sweet new year and look forward to celebrating together with you!