
From the Rabbi's Desk

If the Candles Could Speak

As the flames dance atop the Chanukah lights, and I gaze into them, I imagine what the uniques message of each of the candles might be.
Naturally, the 1st Candle is a trailblazer, a Maccabee, forging ahead despite all odds. This candle shines in stark contrast to the heavy darkness surrounding it.
When Candle #2 comes into play, we realize that with a partner in the quest for light, it is warmer. It is brighter. The dense fog is beginning to lift. Together they resolve to introduce Candle #3. The troops are beginning to rally. Light is no longer a dream. It is a mission.
With Candle #4, it seems like we are finally shifting the equilibrium. The Menorah is balanced. And though half still remain unlit, the darkness already knows that it doesn't stand a chance against the confident advances of light. This is proven on night #5 when the scales tip in favor of truth, positivity, love, and kindness.
By the time Candle #6 is lit, it seems like we are unstoppable. Nothing will get in the way of eradicating darkness and evil.
As we light Candle #7, we enter into a full sprint towards the ultimate finish line. And as Candle #8 leaps to greet the Shamash (leader candle), the world practically explodes in a dazzling light show as victory is achieved.
This may seem like a distant dream, wishful thinking in a chaoticDecember 27, 2019.png world. Yet, when we each light a Menorah in our own home, this journey becomes a reality for our own family. Displayed proudly in windows and doorways, it extends to our neighbors. And as the streets fill with light, a community of light warriors (present-day Maccabees) emerges.
Tonight, coupled with the light of the Shabbat candles, the path of light will expand. And the unstoppable force of Candle #6, from homes across Petaluma, along with the Community Menorah standing watch over the Petaluma River for the fifth year, will race across the hills and join cities around the world from the original public Menorah lit by Chabad in SF's Union Square since 1974, to the menorah at the Eiffel Tower, in Rome, and the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin.
So share the light; with your family, neighbors, and extended circles, and let's create a world overpowered by a unanimous quest for light.



 A family favorite. Played for chocolate coins or, in some high stakes circles, for real gelt. Rules are simple. Spin and you might just win. If you get a "Gimmel", that is. A "Shin" on the other hand - you gotta put one in.

Reminds me of a story tape I heard as a child. The main character, Feitel Van Zeidel, a wealthy guy who wants to be even richer, commissions a dreidel from a carpenter with Gimmels on all four sides. When the hapless carpenter models the finished product, the Dreidel spins, and spins, and spins some more. It spins out of the shop and leads the greedy Gimmel guy and the whole town on a comical Dreidel chase.

You see, the dreidel with it's four possible outcomes, is meant to remind us that there's a certain unavoidable measure of Mazel (fortune) that we are destined to experience. Just as the Dreidel is spun from the handle above, so too, our life with its ups and downs, is spun by a Higher Power. 

And when we remember this, we need not despair when we are having a Shin moment. Because a Gimmel is right around the corner.

Virtual Reality.

One of the perks of preparing for the largest Chanukah party on this side of the Petaluma River is that you get to try out some of the fun new features planned.

So it wasn't without just a tiny bit of excitement that I put on a set of opaque goggles to check out the Chanukah experience that will be enjoyed by so many at Chanukah at the River. December 13, 2019 - 1.jpg

And just like that, I was transported. Gone was my office, desk, and to-do lists. I was in ancient Israel, as a Maccabee soldier, with the mighty greek army fast approaching. Exhilarating. After saving the day, finding the oil, and making some Latkes - all virtually, of course - I was back. Thinking of the immersive experience that I had just been in.

Sometimes the best method of accomplishing our goals and overcoming challenges is to set our minds so singularly on the task at hand, immerse ourselves in the world we want to be in, and unlike December 13, 2019 - 2.jpgwith the game, the challenges actually fade away.
Just like Chanukah. If we focus on spreading light, and we immerse ourselves in that experience, the darkness doesn't stand a chance. 
Our hearts go out to the families affected by the Jersey City shooting. Let's add a Mitzvah in their memory.


The Latke Showdown

A message from a Latke.

Here I am, sizzling in a pan, a fresh relic of a distant past. A time when the few Maccabee soldiers fought a courageous battle and overcame the oppressive Greek empire. If my memory serves me right, the energized victors returned to the Holy Temple only to find it in shambles. The Greeks had desecrated it, leaving it a mess.

After operation cleanup, with everything shining like new, they were ready to light the Menorah, but there was no oil. Or was there? We are told that the Greeks merely broke the seal of High Priest, leaving the jars full but useless. After operation search and rescue, they found a single flask enough to last one day, but a great miracle occurred and it burned for eight days straight.

That's where I come into play. Latkes are fried in oil, (so are jelly donuts, but Jelly wasn't available for comment). So you are probably wondering why oil plays such a central roll in the Chanukah story...

Here are two of my oily morning thought (sorry, I had to...):

Oil stays afloat (just ask BP or Exxon). You can throw it into water, coke, or coffee, and it will rise to the top. Very Chanukah. Don't get stuck in the mud; rise to the top and shine away the darkness.

• Oil gets everywhere. Try and get that out of your couch cushions.December 6, 2019.jpeg Very Chanukah. When you have values that you stand for, and the Maccabees did, don't just leave it in one area or moment of your life. Let it permeate and spread to every aspect of your life, infusing your day with energy, passion, and light.

Happy Latke!

Sunday night is the big Latke showdown, with four teams competing, and an amazing judges panel waiting to choose Petaluma's tastiest Latke. Hop on board the Latke train for some mouth-oiling fun, and help choose the People's Choice Latke award.


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