This Sunday evening is the holiday of Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah).
Each week we read a portion from the Torah scroll in Shul (Synagogue) and after making our way through all of the "Five Books of Moses", we finally complete it on Simchat Torah. To celebrate, there is joyous dancing like at a wedding, encircling the Bima (the platform upon which the Torah is read) for seven rounds of dance.
In particular, the kids are at the center of the fun, waving flags, hoisted upon their parents' shoulders, twirling to the exuberant melodies. They are the ones who will be the leaders of tomorrow - and now they are being given a present: the history, the traditions, the knowledge, the connection. They are the chain that will link our future all the way back to Sinai.
But it's not just a graduation party. It's not just the end of the semester. On the very same day, the Torah is rolled back to the beginning, and the opening segment of Genesis is read.
Why? Because it's not about simply covering the material and passing an exam. It is about cultivating an inexhaustible curiosity to study, explore, and delve into the Torah and its messages. To find new meaning and relevance, to enjoy the journey.
In 8 days, Petaluma Hebrew - The Hebrew School Experience Redefined - will set out to create just such an atmosphere, where the kids won't want to miss a day. Through fun, interactive, Jewish Learning and discovery, it will be a place where one will hear the sounds of lively discussion, of singing, laughter, and prayer. Where the children will feel the warmth and spirit of Judaism. And where they'll love every minute of it.
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