Look what arrived just in time for Rosh Hashanah! Thank you to a generous supporter for making this happen!
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#Torah #JewishDoneBeautiful
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Dear Friend,
So today is my birthday. Shared with my nine-year old Levik, and preceded by 8-year-old Memo's birthday a few days ago, it is birthday season. But it's not just us.
This week is the birthday of The World.
Wait! Isn't Rosh Hashana next week? Isn't that the day when it all began?
When you go and watch a Broadway Musical, or attend a grand opening of your favorite new restaurant, there are two points in time. For days, weeks and months, they are setting the stage, building the props, sewing the costumes, rehearsing the script, sourcing the finest foods.
But then there is the moment when the doors open to the anticipating crowd, the curtains go up, the actors emerge, the orchestra plays the first note. It's Showtime. It is this date and time that gets printed on advertisements and marked on calendars. Because it's all about the action.
Rosh Hashana is actually Day Six of creation. And we celebrate it because that was the birth of humankind. The actors were finally on stage. The work could begin. The world was beautiful, the fruits blossomed and the sun shone bright, but it needed someone to enjoy it, improve it, and give it a new dimension of life.
While the world's birthday is this week, the celebration takes place on Rosh Hashana when we resolve to accept the role of main actor.
On our personal birthdays, or on Rosh Hashana, it is a time to appreciate the world we live in and the Broadway set we were fortunate to be placed upon. But, more importantly, it is a time to reflect on the role we play in bringing the set to life, and how through our positive actions we can make the very fabric of our world sing.
Wishing you all a good and a sweet - and productive - New Year!