I'd like to share with you what I wrote on my social media after learning about the tragedy:
As the light and spirit of Shabbat has come to a close, having celebrated a beautiful Shabbat dinner with our community, I turned on my phone to the news of the horrific and hateful shooting in Pittsburgh today.
Words don’t do justice to the feelings. A synagogue. On Shabbat. 11 holy souls. Just because they were Jewish. Why must we live in a world full of senseless hate? How do we explain this to our children? What now?
We will continue to walk to our Synagogue proudly. We will continue to spread a message of tolerance and acceptance of all and we will continue to perform acts of goodness and kindness and make this world a better place. We will fight hatred with love and fight evil with goodness.
We just read in the Torah how Hashem promises Avraham that his descendants will be as the "stars of the heaven". When it is darkest, we shine brightest.
Pittsburgh and the entire world needs our prayers and mitzvot more than ever!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Rabbi Dovid Bush
See below for some practical responses.
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When darkness fills the world, we add light.
11 souls lost, let’s add 11 Mezuzahs to our community in their memory. Beacons of light, proud to be Jewish.
Reply to this email if you would like one for your home or office.
Was touched when Sharina stopped by with a Lavendar plant to offer soothing, comfort and solidarity for the Jewish Community.
We need headlines like This!
Yesterday, we had Petaluma Hebrew as usual. What better way to fight darkness than with a roomful of kids learning about mezuzahs, the land of Israel, and having a blast being Jewish?
Thank you Petaluma Police Department for your support of & partnership with our community ... providing safety and security during Petaluma Hebrew this morning.