My car broke down.
We all know the feeling. Whether your phone's battery is depleted, or you're driving down the freeway (happened to me this week), and your car stops responding to the gentle pushes on the pedal.
Perhaps it's midday and it feels like you haven't eaten in days. Or it's Friday and you find yourself emotionally drained from a stressful week.
Nothing is broken. No mechanic or doctor necessary. Just a simple charge. The need to plug in, to refuel, to reenergize a powerful and capable device, vehicle, or body.
So simple, yet when you find yourself on the side of a mountain road (without cell phone reception), gas stations seem like the coolest inventions. When hiking through the desert, we suddenly appreciate the life nourishing quality of water.
The Torah this week enumerates the 42 stops that the Jews made as they traveled through the desert. While in the desert, they had everything they needed. Heavenly manna for food, a rock that acted as a spring, clouds for protection and temperature control, and plenty of time for Torah and inspiration. It was like being constantly plugged into a charging pod.
It was only when they entered the Land of Israel and real life began, that self-awareness and mindfulness became a necessity. Do I have enough to sustain me for the next phase of my life? Do I have enough "juice" to get me to the next stop?
Shabbat is just that opportunity to recharge. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Wishing you a re-Jew-vinating Shabbos and a fantastic week!