What an amazing Purim Party! Over 50 cowboys and cowgirls of all ages joined for a spectacular evening.
Lariat Larry was fantastic with his impressive trick roping skills, the food was sublime, the game show entertaining, and the Megillah reading was accompanied by an engaging mutimedia presentation.
Check out the pictures here!
Purim celebrates the "upside down" - what looks like a terrible situation, can turn out to be the biggest blessing. Esther being recruited to be the queen, ended up saving the day for the Jewish People.
When we are faced with a tough situation, let's take an example from Mordechai and the Jewish people, stay true to our values, and don't give up hope. Salvation may indeed be right there.
As we turn the page from Purim to Passover, please take a moment to look at our new Pasosver site and all of the pre-passover events we will be having.
If you or someone you know may want to join us for a beautiful Community Seder, please sign up here, or let us know.
We also worked closely with a number of Petaluma supermarkets to provide a comprehensive Passover Shopping Guide, with many of them adding new items to their roster. If you haven't received a copy, let us know. Please let the stores know that you appreciate their participation in this and their "Kosher for Passover" efforts.
View the Passover Shopping Guide here.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Dovid Bush