
From the Rabbi's Desk

Upside Down

What an amazing Purim Party! Over 50 cowboys and cowgirls of all ages joined for a spectacular evening.

Lariat Larry was fantastic with his impressive trick roping skills, the food was sublime, the game show entertaining, and the Megillah reading was accompanied by an engaging mutimedia presentation.

Check out the pictures here!

Purim celebrates the "upside down" - what looks like a terrible situation, can turn out to be the biggest blessing. Esther being recruited to be the queen, ended up saving the day for the Jewish People.

When we are faced with a tough situation, let's take an example from Mordechai and the Jewish people, stay true to our values, and don't give up hope. Salvation may indeed be right there.

As we turn the page from Purim to Passover, please take a moment to look at our new Pasosver site and all of the pre-passover events we will be having.

If you or someone you know may want to join us for a beautiful Community Seder, please 
sign up here, or let us know.

We also worked closely with a number of Petaluma supermarkets to provide a comprehensive Passover Shopping Guide, with many of them adding new items to their roster. If you haven't received a copy, let us know. Please let the stores know that you appreciate their participation in this and their "Kosher for Passover" efforts.

View the 
Passover Shopping Guide here.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Dovid Bush

Natural Miracles

The Purim story was miraculous. Or was it?

At Wednesday's Lunch n' Learn we made the distinction between miracles such as the splitting of the red sea - miracles that defy nature, and a second type of miracles which occurs within the confines of nature.

If you split the sequence of events (Esther becoming queen, Mordechai saving the king's life, Haman's rise and downfall etc.) into individual episodes, it can all be attributed to chance. Being in the right place. Coincidence. However, when looking at the totality of the story of Purim, how everything had to line up perfectly, one realizes that it had greater odds than the Powerball. That there was a guiding Hand throughout.

The Holiday of Purim, reminds us to appreciate the beauty and divinity - indeed, the miraculous - within the normal happenings of life.

Two great Hamanatsh Baking sessions happened this week. One @ Chabad and the other an After School club @ Meadow Elementary! Join the Kosher cooking fun at either location.

This Thursday: Join us for a Family Purim celebration @ the newly renovated Hotel Petaluma. A wild west themed party, with trick roping, a western buffet dinner (did soemone say kosher buffalo wings and chili?), lively music, and loads of fun. Come in costume. Infuse an ordinary week with something special!

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Dovid Bush

An Icon

Starbucks. Some will never step foot in one, while others have come to depend on it. And it is just that - dependable. Wherever you go, there's a location not too far, with it's iconic branding, and baristas ready to take your order. Before you walk in, you already know and have come to expect the Starbucks experience. From the complimentary wifi to the line of beverages, to the barista getting the name on your Vente wrong. 

There's something special about one-of-a-kind destinations, be it the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon or Disneyland. There is also something especially gratifying (if you think about it) about consistency and availability. Think about the water we've been blessed with this week vs. the extended drought.

Four out of the last five weeks, have had their Torah portion dedicated to the instructions for building the Mishkan (temporary temple in the desert) and the actual execution. The Torah is not merely a storybook, but everything has a lesson and application.

While the Holy Temple was truly a remarkable destination and experience, the goal is to have many such locations. Places where you could expect a similar experience. This can be a Synagogue, it can be a time, such as Shabbat, Purim or Passover, and it can also be each and every one of us. Recreating an experience of higher values and good deeds for yourself, your family and your friends. An island of purity in a hectic world.  For example, create an Island of time during your busy week by joining our Lunch n' Learn.

The message of the week: Be an Icon.

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Dovid Bush


Community. A powerful word. Something that we each want in our lives; to be part of something greater, to achieve things we couldn’t on our own, to contribute and give back.

The name of this week’s Torah portion is actually “Vayakhel”, to gather. It comes from the Hebrew word “Kahal” - Community. If there is one message that we are supposed to take away from this week, it is the importance of community. This year is in fact a “Hakhel” year, when in the times of the Holy Temple, the entire nation would gather in Jerusalem once in seven years. 

But wait! Next week’s portion is “Pekudei” counting the Jewish people, each person is counted as an individual. So is it about community or individuality? Are we better when we come together, or is there something special and unique about each of us.

The bottom line that we are supposed to take away is that we need both. A real community is not where everyone fits into the same mold, conforming to the norms. It is when we each bring our unique personalities, abilities and talents to the table that we really shine. This is where community really makes a difference. It’s not just a quantity thing.

This past weekend in NYC, an amazing CTeen Shabbaton took place with some 2,000 teens celebrating Jewish pride and their contributions to their communities’ future. An amazing experience culminated with an epic Havdalah rock concert in Times Square. Like the Havdalah candle, each individual flame comes together to form a powerful torch, a beacon of light, impervious to winds and external forces. #UniteWithLight Who knows? Maybe next year Petaluma will have a delegation!

Join us this evening, as we celebrate community at First Fridays Shabbat. It won’t be the same without each one of us. This Shabbat we welcome the month of Purim - the most joyous month of the Jewish calendar. It’s also the first time that the 6pm scheduling will allow for us to light the Shabbat Candles together! Did I mention that there is a delicious spread to follow including some of this fresh home baked Challah?

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Dovid Bush

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