CHANUKAH Celebration & helicopter gelt drop
The festival of Chanukah is all about the power of LIGHT over darkness!
Join us for Chabad's Tenth annual Chanukah celebration in style with a marvelous community event!
✡ Helicopter Gelt Drop
✡ Fire Performer
✡ LED Robot
✡ Jelly Donuts
✡ Hot Latkes
✡ Live DJ Chanukah music
✡ World's Biggest Dreidel
✡ Interactive Menorah Game
✡ Chanukah Crafts
✡ Grand Raffle
and much more!
Sunday, December 29, 4:30-6:00pm
@ the Petaluma Fairgrounds - 175 Fairgrounds Drive
FREE with RSVP: Click Here • Sponsorships appreciated